A Musing #45

This is probably going to be the last post I make for 2017 because I’m going to be festive as fuck with people I care about instead of rambling on here. What I do want to express is my gratitude for everything and everyone that happened this year. I know it’s been a mess all over the place, but some beautiful things have happened. There were moments that really brought me down and I hated, but I’m still here and so are you. All those bad things aren’t even worth listing. We made it this far and I’m proud of us.

One of the things I’m very thankful for is the group of people that I belong to here in Paris. Being an expat isn’t easy and I’m lucky enough to have such a beautiful group of friends that feel like family. I’ve grown because of them as a person and I’ve felt planted during my times of chaos all thanks to them. This next bit might sound silly but I’m thankful for technology or at least having access to it. Thanks to social media and apps, I’m able to see my friends’ dreams turn into a reality. I’m so proud of every single one of you. My work has grown and I’m happy with where it’s going, but I’m also growing as a household name around Paris. I feel I’m circling around where I’m supposed to be and each rotation is gradually getting smaller. After a year and a bit in Paris, I’m now in a private collection next to Bernard Buffet. You know I’m singing Drake right now. This is only the beginning.

Maybe you might not have what you want right now, but that doesn’t mean you haven’t had some good come from this year. This isn’t a speech of “Kids are starving in Africa!” but if you can try to list some of the sweet things you had this year. Write it, say it, pray it out, etc whichever way you choose and just say thanks to the universe. As I personally build my life and expand my career, I remain eternally grateful for everything. You feel good and people notice it. Kindness and respect are the most beautiful things a person can wear. So give it a try before you head into a turkey coma or get wasted off free glasses of champagne. Thank you for taking the time to read this and I hope 2018 treats you right.


A Musing #46


A Musing #44